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The U.S. Departments of Education, Office of Special Education Program’s website of IDEA information:  Building the Legacy:  IDEA 2004




All states have their own law that complies with IDEA. Use the Internet to find information about your own state’s special education regulation by replacing the two Xs with your state’s two-letter abbreviation:




For example, I find information about Pennsylvania by browsing through the Education/Learning pages at www.state.pa.us





The Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) managed a group of activities that targeted individuals who provide services under IDEA. ASPIIRE, the Associations of Service Providers Implementing IDEA Reforms in Education, represented education and related services. The American Occupational Therapy Association was an active participant in the project.


I participated in ASPIIRE activities related to the use of paraprofessionals and assistants in special education. You can read The IDEA Partnerships Paraprofessional Initiative: Report to the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP), our final report of main themes and issues concerning policy, regulation, roles, responsibilities, preparation, training and supervision.



More IDEA Information


Wright’s Law —this website provides information about special education law and advocacy for students with disabilities.


The Council for Exceptional Childrenan international professional organization dedicated to improving educational outcomes for individuals with exceptionalities, students with disabilities and the gifted.


Learn more about IDEA from the Council for Exceptional Children by clicking here.


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IDEA 2004

Deciding whether or not a student needs

OT services in his or her IEP?


Click here to access the full text of OT Services Under IDEA 97: Decision-making Challenges,” published in OT Practice in December 2002. This article is reproduced here by permission of the American Occupational Therapy Association, Inc.









You can access “historic” information to learn more about the reauthorization that led to IDEA 2004 at these sites:


National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities (NICHCY)


US House of Representatives Committee on Education and the Workforce